Tag Archives: book

Author’s Note #1

Writing is hard. Being myself, always behind the trend, I started that 50,000 word challenge 29 days late.

So far, I have a steady pace. I am really having fun with this. Not really formal about it, just letting the words flow from fingers to the fonts.

I applaud you writers and bloggers who paint awesome murals with your wordplay and UNIQUE EXPRESSIONS.



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Letter from the Socially Awkward [Take 4]



You want to know how odd I am? I quite possibly had a chance to extend my workout today, but froze up, and kept on walking.

<—- I-D-I-O-T

I tell you, I am weird. Dude was tossing the Frisbee around, doing his thing.

And what did I do?

(Continued sprinting, to eventually walk away.)

I quite possibly could have made a connection there. Maybe it could have turned into an every Saturday thing? Idk. Can’t know, now.

The scene of this reality I am in can terrify me at times.




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